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Sunday, 3 April 2016

Sanken Fastival The symbol of peace and purity Festival of India

                                         Sanken Festival

                                                  Date : 13 April 2016 to 15 April 2016

Arunachal Pradesh is the best place to witness various tribes with their different customs and ethnicity. The Sangken festival is celebrated by Khamtis, they are one of the oldest tribes of Lohit District of Arunachal Pradesh. The district is located in the plains of Arunachal Pradesh. The festival is a Buddhist festival celebrated with respect where Buddha is worshipped for the welfare of the mankind.

The main attraction of the festival is splashing clean water

The main attraction of the festival is splashing clean water, which is the symbol of peace and purity. The images of Buddha are taken out and after the ceremonial bath. The procession is accompanied by drums and enjoyment. This holy bath of lord Buddha is an auspicious event in Arunachal Pradesh. On the final day, the images are taken back to their original place. The ceremony ends on a satisfied note amidst prayers of a happy and prosperous new year.

                                   The symbol of peace and purity. 

This is one of the most important religious festivals in Arunachal Pradesh. It is mainly celebrated by the Khampti tribe of Lohit district; however, it is celebrated in entire Arunachal Pradesh. Sanken or Sangken is a three-day festival in which people bathe the idol of Buddha. The festival also marks the beginning of the New Year. On the first day of the festival prayers are offered for the well-being of all by beating of drums and gongs. 

During the entire festival, people abstain from killing animals, taking intoxicating drinks and indulgence in illicit sexual activities. People also refrain from all forms of manual work, gambling and even cutting trees. After ritual bathing of the images of Buddha and holy shrines, people sprinkle clean water on each other and exchange greetings.On the final day, the idol of Lord Buddha is installed back in the main temple and a community feast is organized.

Sanken is the main annual socio-religious festival celebrated by the Khampti and the Sangpho community of Arunachal Pradesh. During the festival ceremonial bathing ritual is perform on Lord Buddha’s idol.

During the celebration the locals make home made sweet and distribute them. The exchange of gifts is also a common trait of the festival.
Sangken Festival is celebrated on 14th of April, when the natives welcome the New Year with splendor and magnificence. According to the locals the new year is welcomed with warmth and affection. Not only people from Lohit District but from other district also celebrate the festival. The involvement and participation of the people shows the depth and importance of the occasion among the people of Arunachal Pradesh.